The Water Works



No approvals are required for your ThermaPool, please just inform security that you are expecting a delivery so there are no delays at the gate. 

The temperature is all controlled through the mobile app, we will set up all of the equipment on installation and share dedicated user manuals to assist you.

The water is cleaned via the 2-part circular filtration system and the ozone generator in the heater chiller, unit which neutralizes contaminants in the water and cleans by removing things like hydrogen sulphide, manganese, iron, viruses, and bacteria. No chemicals are required.

The water does not need replacing, the ThermaPool just needs topping up each week as natural evaporation will occur.

You will need to change the cartridge filter element once every 4-8 weeks depending on usage. To change the filter please check the youtube for guided videos


We have a dedicated user manual and guided videos on our YouTube channel for first time users, please checkout

The temperature is all controlled through the mobile app, we will set up all of the equipment on installation and share dedicated user manuals to assist you.

The water is cleaned via the 2-part circular filtration system and the ozone generator in the heater chiller, unit which neutralizes contaminants in the water and cleans by removing things like hydrogen sulphide, manganese, iron, viruses, and bacteria. No chemicals are required.

We recommend you drain and refill the ThermaPod every month. Our ThermaPod comes with a drain and drain hose as quick and easy solution, should there be some drainage nearby. Please check the youtube for guided videos

You will need to change the cartridge filter element once every 4-8 weeks dependning on usage. To change the filter please check the youtube for guided videos

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